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Visit Elukids

Are you in Sri Lanka and would like to visit us in Eluwankulam? With a longer stay you can also enjoy more activities. We would be happy to give you an insight!

Visit Preschool

  • Preschool tour
  • Lunch at Devi's or at Preschool

  • Short-trip through Eluwankulam


  • Lunch: LKR 1500 / CHF 5

  • Tour Eluwankulam: LKR 2000 / CHF 7

Visit Schoolday (not guaranteed)

  • Visit a part of the school day
  • Preschool tour
  • Lunch at Devi's
  • Short trip through Eluwankulam


  • Lunch: LKR 1500 / CHF 5

  • Tour Eluwankulam: LKR 2000 / CHF 7

More activties

  • Safari: LKR X / CHF X
  • Boat Safari: LKR X / CHF X
  • Kayaking: LKR X / CHF X
  • Swimming among the mangroves: LKR X / CHF X

Partner resort

  • Elements: Use Booking-code "elukids" (20% goes to Elukids)
  • Willpathu Nature Resort: (Mentioned that you are an Elukids guest; 10%)

Start your journey

Visit options
Our partner resort for longer says
Other activities

Happy to meet you soon!

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