Our projects
Elukids Paddy Field
We always try to focus on our local strength in Eluwankulam to create different revenue streams. Rice agriculture is a key area and here we want to run our own paddy field.
#Goal budget
CHF 1'900 | LKR 665'000
Elukids Guesthouse
We travel regularly from Switzerland to Sri Lanka to collaborate on site. The goal is to reduce our accommodation costs and to offer our guests an opportunity for an unforgettable stay.
#Goal budget
CHF 29'500 | LKR 9'440'000
Elukids Drinking water
We supply at least 3000l drinking water daily with our filter system. Currently we pump our tank with 400l/h. To increase the pumping speed and therefore to reduce the operating time, we want to expand our system with an additional machine.
#Goal budget
CHF 1'500 | LKR 525'000
Coconut plantation
Sri Lanka is well known for their coconut plantations. Around Eluwankulam there is a huge potential to enter this area and to explore another local product to distribute locally and maybe one day to Switzerland.
#Goal budget
CHF 14'000 | LKR 4'900'000
Elukids Transport
At the moment we rent a truck for the delivery of drinking water until we gain some experience in this area. Now we are ready for our own vehicle to optimize our costs and increase our flexibility.
#Goal budget
CHF 7'000 | LKR 2'500'000
#get self-determined
We want to launch targeted projects in order to evolve our organization sustainably. As a «Financial Supporter» you secure the necessary financial resources and support to solve identified problems or enable us to become financially self-determined.
Our long term goal is to create different revenue streams until 2030 to run Elukids with our own business activities.