History 2021
31. December 2021
Final setup playground
The playground is finished. Besides the fence between the washroom and the playground, the self-constructed climbing and playing facilities are ready for the children. These include a monkey bar, football goals and a large swing.
11. December 2021
Children on site
All preschool children are in preschool for the first time. Apart from measuring their height and taking their shoe size, profile pictures are also taken. The preparation of the school uniforms and the organisation of the daily preschool routine can begin.
25. November 2021
Annual Report 2022
The Unit Communication is taking the lead for the Annual Report 2022. A kick-off meeting is being held for this purpose. In a next step, the members of the unit will think about how the report can be structured and how its content can be designed.
14. November 2021
Intercultural calendar
Viviane and Begum from the Unit Education complete a calendar, which includes Muslim, Christian, Buddhist and Tamil holidays. The calendar is intended to raise the children's awareness of the different religions.
25. October 2021
Partnership Wilpattu
A new partnership has fortunately been established with Wilpattu Nature Resort. Guests referred through Elukids support Elukids with 10% of their accommodation costs plus LKR 1000.
03. October 2021
Partnership Elements
Elukids is pleased to announce a new partnership with Elements Resort. People who stay at the resort through Elukids support the association with 20% of their accommodation costs.
11. September 2021
Finish Construction PS
The last construction event of the kindergarten building is the door installation in the interior with the final installation of the lock in the office door. The formation of the building took 219 days with a budget of CHF 30'284.
19. August 2021
Employment contracts
Four permanent employment contracts are signed by the Associate Members. Three contracts starting from 2022 are signed by teachers Begum, Naji and Rasadari and the back office employment contract is designated to Chrishanthi.
31. July 2021
Preschool registration
Registration forms for the future preschool children are handed out in Old and New Eluwankulam, Gangawadiya and Greenfield. A total of 80 forms are in circulation, which should target the 145 families in these regions. The goal is to fill the 30 preschool seats.
24. July 2021
English lessons
The team in Sri Lanka is learning English with Nihal Fernando and Shiney. Some team members also attend the SVS English School. The reason for this is the future use of English in preschool. A nice side effect of the lessons is the strengthening of team cohesion.
27. June 2021
Slab WR
The construction of the slab also needed 10 days, with a final budget of CHF 1'729. Since it required special tools and materials for the construction of the flat roof, the help of an external team was enlisted.
10. June 2021
Wiring PS
This construction phase lasted 3 days and the expenditure of CHF 697 is almost equal to the calculated initial budget. Suresh's older brother Pradees was responsible for this phase. It is valuable that Elukids knows almost all of the professionals personally.
21. May 2021
Start washroom (WR)
The first of the eight construction phases of the washroom begins. The budget is CHF 8'000. The idea has been developed from the planned toilet to a larger flat roof building, which could be extended with a roof apartment, for example.
19. May 2021
Contact Olivia-Rasadari
Olivia and Rasadari are in contact for a first meeting via Microsoft Teams. This way, the upcoming collaboration in the field of education can be discussed.
24. April 2021
Entry Rojan
Rojan joins the team in Sri Lanka. He will support Elukids as a social supporter.
30. March 2021
Transport laptop
The transport time of two laptops and three cell phones from Switzerland to Sri Lanka has taken 44 days. Chrishanthi and Alponcina picked up the package directly in Colombo.
23. February 2021
Together with the vision, Elukids presents the mission of the organization (PVT) LTD in Sri Lanka and the association in Switzerland, in order to establish a clear differentiation of the areas of responsibility of both organizations.
03. February 2021
Prework preschool
Preparations for the groundbreaking of the preschool building are in progress. The ground plan is marked and shoveled.
26. January 2021
Invitation cards
For the groundbreaking of the preschool building on 05.02.21 Elukids creates invitation cards and at the same time an event is organized.
14. January 2021
Transport infrastructure
Technical equipment are sent to Sri Lanka, which was provided by Tobias and Lukas.
06. January 2021
Mutations association
Sabrina, Marc and Maya participate as active members. Olivia and Dinu take responsibility in the board.
04. January 2021
Structures organization
The structures in the Elukids organization in Sri Lanka are formed and defined: Managing Director, Staff and Supporters.
29. December 2021
Team meeting
For the first time, a team meeting is held in Sri Lanka with part of the Swiss team. The meeting is a great opportunity to strengthen team cohesion.
03. December 2021
Finish indoor WR
The interior of the washroom has been completed after some waiting time. The reason for this was a delay in a sensor, with which all toilets and taps are now functioning. In addition, the windows and partition walls are completely installed and the floor is finished.
17. November 2021
Start Outdoor area
The final touches to the outdoor area are laying stones on the access to the plot and filling the entire plot with sand. In addition, the design of the garden is being planned.
31. October 2021
Parents meeting
A meeting is held with the parents and the team in Sri Lanka. The main topics are in-depth information about Elukids and the vision of Elukids. The main aim is to eliminate possible insecurities of the parents, which may arise due to religious or cultural reasons.
11. October 2021
Finish facade WR
About three months after the start of this construction phase, the facade of the washroom is completed. With CHF 670, the expenses were only CHF 70 above the planned costs.
30. September 2021
Budget 2022
A budget of CHF 15'000 is secured for 2022. This means that Elukids is ready for the opening of the kindergarten and other activities that will take place next year.
01. September 2021
Start Indoor WR
The final constructions of the washroom are the windows and the floor. This phase is budgeted at CHF 3'900. For the children to be able to use the toilets independently, they are installed in a child-friendly way and the taps are equipped with sensors to increase hygiene awareness.
12. August 2021
Start facade WR
The formation of the washroom facade begins. The planned costs are CHF 600.
31. July 2021
Windows PS
Three weeks after the start, the window installation of the preschool is finished. The budget was CHF 2'225, the final expenses were slightly lower at CHF 2'115.
23. July 2021
Start Outdoor Area PS
Around the preschool building, the outdoor area is formed, which will be used later, for example, as a seating area. This construction phase is budgeted with CHF 1'000.
15. June 2021
Wall WR
Completing the wall took 10 days and a final budget of CHF 581. Finding the right template for the columns was a challenge. Special thanks to Alexandra and Jumlath, who made helpful drawings, and to the Baus team with their support in positioning the windows and doors.
02. June 2021
Foundation WR
With the foundation, the basis for the washroom has been laid after about 2 weeks. The total expenses amount to CHF 1'157. With the first construction phases of the washroom and the preschool, two construction projects are going on in parallel, which is exciting to follow.
21. May 2021
Entry Olivia
Olivia joins the team in Switzerland as an active member and assists to write the Elukids story.
09. May 2021
Elukids gains presence during the construction phase, which causes uncertainty among some stakeholders. Therefore, Elukids seeks direct exchange with religious representatives, preschools and the authorities in order to obtain approval for the project.
23. April 2021
Budget 2022
The budget for the coming year has been defined. It became clear through various experiences that the originally planned amount of CHF 6'000 has to be increased to CHF 13'000.
23. March 2021
End foundation PS
After 46 days, the first of five construction phases is completed. The next phase of construction is planned to be the construction of the walls.
23. February 2021
Elukids presents the vision on the homepage and wants to strengthen its own identification internally and externally and provide a clear orientation.
02. February 2021
Guests groundbreaking
Elukids invited the following guests for the start of construction of the preschool building:
Elukids team Sri Lanka, Dinu's grandparents, construction team, authorities, all religious representatives (Christianity, Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam).
23. January 2021
Salary payment
The first salary payment with the consideration of the "EPF" and "ETF" is made.
13. January 2021
Printing company GYSIN
Due to the valuable support of the printing company GYSIN, Elukids can offer the annual report at a price of 19 CHF.
06. January 2021
New structures
The Elukids association in Switzerland forms newly defined structures to participate:
Board members, active members and passive members.
02. January 2021
Construction supervisor
Elukids engages Dinesh, a local construction supervisor who is well known in the communitiy of Suresh, Srikanth and Nawfeek.
29. December 2021
Road signs
To ensure that the preschool is infallible, two road signs are installed. One sign shows the distance of 450 m from the main road to the preschool and the second is 50 m away at the junction to the preschool.
25. November 2021
Weekly plan
The first draft of the weekly plan has been completed. A kindergarten day includes morning rituals, a morning circle where different topics are addressed or stories are told, training sequences to learn different skills and farewell rituals.
16. November 2021
Fence Playground
​To create a separation between the washroom and the playground, the construction of a fence begins.
31. October 2021
Transportation Najifkahn
Najifkahn provides safe travel from home to kindergarten. Four children can be transported per trip, from Gangawadiya for the equivalent of CHF 1.50 each and from Greenfield for CHF 0.50. The children from Old and New Eluwankulam will travel independently.
10. October 2021
Community Event
Preparations for the community event in April 2022 are starting. The event is an opportunity to get to know Elukids and the community better and to have a good time. Registration for the event is already open.
19. September 2021
News registrations
Elukids has a total of 40 registrations, of which 33 children will attend the kindergarten from next year. The change in the number of children is due to an additional application that meets the admission criteria.
30. August 2021
Finish cable laying WR
The water and electricity lines have been laid and this construction phase is therefore complete. The total financial expenditure is CHF 1'424.
10. August 2021
Start cable laying WR
Responsible for this phase is Suresh's brother Pradees, who is also installing the water and electricity lines by himself. The budget for this construction phase is CHF 1'500.
28. July 2021
Finish facade PS
After one month, the construction phase of the facade comes to an end. The total expenditure is CHF 2'171.
14. July 2021
Recruitment of teachers
After several phases of getting to know each other, Begum and Najrinas Banu are now joining the unit education. The recruitment of two teachers enables the individual support and promotion of the children as well as an expansion of the social and educational offers.
15. June 2021
Completion roof PS
19 days and CHF 10'332 later, the construction phase "roof" is completed. With the laying of the first roof tile a traditional meal took place. Due to the valuable cooperation with a material supplier from Puttalam the roof material was sufficient.
27. May 2021
Start roof PS
After the walls are in place, the construction phase of the roof begins. Srikanth from the Elukids team in Sri Lanka is responsible for this building-stage. The challenging task of procuring the building material was accomplished in a very short time.
20. May 2021
Facebook activation
Elukids is now also represented on Facebook. The Elukids team hopes for a more intensive contact with the community in Sri Lanka through Facebook.
29. April 2021
Completion fence
After 99 days of construction, the fence is finally finished! Thus, the first milestone of the entire construction process has been successfully achieved.
03. April 2021
Search for 2nd teacher
The job advertisement for the second teacher is online at ikman.lk. Further publications are planned.
21. March 2021
Entry Alponcina
After her foreign exchange Alponcina strengthens the Sri Lanka team. Her area of responsibility will be defined in the near future.
18. Februar 2021
Entry Maathangi
Maathangi will be responsible for the communication in Tamil and will therefore be an active member of the Elukids Team Switzerland.
29. January 2021
Approval preschool
After three months, Elukids receives the long-awaited confirmation from the Department of education to run an independent preschool.
23. January 2021
Water pipe
Elukids gets access to water.
11. January 2021
Prework fence
The plot is prepared for the fence work.
06. January 2021
General assembly
The first general assembly of Elukids
takes place online.
14. December 2021
Registration change
Unfortunately, the Pubathu preschool in the nearby area is closed, resulting in a new preschool registration. The registration fulfils the Elukids admission criteria and increases the number of preschool children again to 33.
25. November 2021
Playground design
Ideas for the construction of the playground are collected among the teachers. Parents, preschool children and the whole team should be involved in the construction.
16. November 2021
Electricity PS
After a few organisational barriers, the preschool is supplied with electricity.
28. October 2021
Registration change
As of next year, 32 children will attend the kindergarten. One family has withdrawn its registration for private reasons.
03. October 2021
Sewerage WR
The pipes of the washroom are completely installed. Thus, the drainage of the toilets and lavabos works perfectly. The planned budget of CHF 250 turned into actual expenses of CHF 280.
14. September 2021
Development Elukids
Elukids is constantly developing and growing in various areas. In order to be able to master future challenges even better, the first active search for people who will be involved in the various units in the future has begun.
24. August 2021
Registration deadline
After completing the registration process, 32 children are admitted to the preschool. With 19 children, the village of New Eluwankulam is the most numerous of the 4 target villages.
31. July 2021
Start indoor area PS
The flooring and doors of the preschool building are installed. The pandemic drives up the price of building materials, especially flooring. Therefore, no budget was prepared, but the necessary material was obtained at the required price.
24. July 2021
Entry Viviane
Elukids welcomes Vivi to the team in Switzerland. She will actively support Elukids in the area of education.
28. June 2021
Start facade PS
This is the final construction phase of the preschool building before the windows and doors are installed. The budget for this phase is CHF 2'100.
13. June 2021
Interviews teacher
Elukids begins the interview process with three potential teachers. Among other things, it is important that the future teacher is a resident of Eluwankulam and that their mindset fits Elukids.
24. May 2021
Homepage in Tamil
Thanks to Maathangi's effort, the Elukids website is now available in Tamil. The goal is a stronger exchange with the local population and the Tamil community in Switzerland.
20. May 2021
Completion wall PS
After only 17 days, the construction phase "wall" is completed. Thanks to the construction manager Dinesh, his team and of course the Elukids team in Sri Lanka, this great achievement was possible. The final expenditure for this phase is CHF 3'090.
24. April 2021
Teammeeting online
The team in Sri Lanka meets with Dinu for the first time via Microsoft Teams. Through that, the exchange and team cohesion between the members in Switzerland and Sri Lanka can be strengthened.
02. April 2021
First online session
Rasadari and Dinu execute the first online session via Microsoft Teams and thus optimize the communication between Team Sri Lanka and Team Switzerland.
17. March 2021
Window positioning PS
In the classroom are placed 7 large windows, and in the office 2 small and 1 large window. After discussions with Baus baut GmbH Alexandra made the changes in the drawing.
05. February 2021
Start Preschool (PS)
The foundation ceremony of the preschool building will be accompanied by an event to present the Elukids organization to the guests.
28. January 2021
Final floor plan
After recommendations from Baus baut and further considerations, the final version for the floor plan was created by Alexandra. Elukids will now discuss the planning with construction supervisor Dinesh on site.
20. January 2021
Construction start fence
The first foundation stone for the fence work is placed by Dinu's grandfather. Guests are: Team Sri Lanka, construction team and Dinu's grandparents.
06. January 2021
Order process
Elukids launches the first activity with the annual report to ensure independent financial security.
04. January 2021
Employment contracts
Rasadari and Chrishanthi receive a permanent employment contract. Elukids thus strengthens the professionalism in the organization in Sri Lanka.